Course Amplify

A beginner’s guide to creating a highly profitable online course

Perhaps, you may be looking to leverage the internet boom to make some money for yourself. With online courses, you can make a lot of money without working intensely. With an online course, you can easily show your expertise in various subjects. However, you need to put in a lot of effort to ensure that you create the right course that will sell even when you are not available. With the best free online course builder platforms, you can easily create your course. You can create online course for free and be able to make a lot of money from it. If you are a beginner, this guide will help you know the steps needed to create your online course.

Steps to creating an online course

1. Choose a profitable topic for the course

The first step to selling your course online is to choose a bestselling topic. This may be any one of your hobbies or passions. In addition, you can also choose to write about hot-selling topics like cryptocurrencies, bitcoins, the blockchain, smart contracts, and so on. It all depends on how good you are at writing about various topics and niches.

2. Research your topic and create a cohesive outline

After choosing your topic, you should research deeply into the topic. This research should cover various parts of the text and should give you in-depth insight into the topic. While researching the topic, you need to be creative to choose the right elements for your online course. Once you have your content, you can then proceed to outline the content. Make sure that the content follows a logical and cohesive outline.

3. Choose an online course platform

Depending on your budget, you need to choose the right platform. As a beginner, there are some platforms where you can sell online courses for free. In addition, you can also find the best free online course builder with the right e-learning platform. With such platforms, you do not have to build a website or have a viral online presence. These platforms make it easier for you to make a lot of money from your online course.

4. Create your online course

The next phase is to create the online course. There are many online course platforms free and paid that can help you create your course. From the outline that you have created, you can start creating the course. Depending on the type of course that you have chosen, an online course builder can help you create one. You can use the best free online course builder tools to make building the tutorial easy. Many online course platforms offer free tools that enable you to build and sell your online course(s). If you are willing to make money from your online course, it should have a higher quality than what you have on YouTube and Google.

5. Decide on the right price for the course

Setting the price of your course(s) online shouldn’t be difficult. As a beginner, you should evaluate the courses for similar courses on your chosen platform. Then you can start by making your online courses very cheap. At least, it should be several cents lower than similar products on the platform. If other creators are offering similar products for $10, you may want to make your product sell for as low as $5 or $6.75. Gradually, as you make sales and scale your online business, you can easily increase your price.

6. Launch your course

After creating your online course, the next phase is to get it out there. You need to launch the course for it to be visible on the online platform that you have chosen. You will simply be guided on the steps to launch your course when you use the online platform. After launching the course, you may want to market them to the right audience. You can move from making no sales to a seven-figure course. This all depends on the beauty of your marketing strategy.

7. Marketing your new online course

You can sell online courses for free but you need to understand how to market one. Whether or not your course is known, you need to put it in front of the right audience. With great marketing techniques, you can reward the effort you put into creating the products. To get the course to the right audience, you need effective marketing strategies. This includes:

  • Email marketing: You can build an email list and sell your online courses to your contacts using well-curated email marketing strategies.
  • Have a valuable content strategy: To attract new customers, you need to first give them high-quality content on the given topic. When they are hooked and want to know more, you can then sell them your online course.
  • Create your sales page: Many online course platforms free and paid options provide you with the tools to create amazing landing pages. This page must have texts (a persuasive copy) and elements (icons that convince the reader to buy the course).
  • Use paid ads: You can use paid ads as an optional marketing strategy. There are cheap Google ads or Facebook ads that you can employ to sell your online course.
  • Social media marketing: You can get on different social media platforms and connect with your customers. This helps bring in more sales when done with an effective social media strategy.

10. Get testimonials and feedback

When you launch your course, it will go live. You will need to monitor its performance on the selling platform. There are different metrics of your course that you can track. This includes course completion rate, number of views, and so on. All of these metrics are important feedback to help you understand how you can improve your course. You can also get positive testimonials and reviews from customers. Positive feedback, metrics, reviews, and testimonials all offer valuable benefits for marketing your course to more prospective students.

The bottom line

One of the secrets of easily creating your online course as a beginner is to choose the right platform. Many online course platforms offer users free and intuitive tools that help them to build and launch their courses online. They even help you sell your courses for free. The only way they benefit from your course is to share the sales proceeds with you. Finally, the best online course platforms also help you with post-launching tools to help you get your online courses out there.

Course Amplify

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